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ASHBA Annual Meeting Highlights

The annual meeting of the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association saw a substantial turnout of membership. More than half of the active, eligible members at the time of the vote let their voices be heard either in person or by proxy on two topics: a bylaw amendment proposal and the vote to elect two people to represent the membership on the nominating committee for the board of directors.

Honored in Iowa


High Point Champion 2024


Morgan Stallion Sweeps Date Changed

The New England Regional Morgan Horse Show and Association along with the United Breeders Committee announces a date change for the upcoming Morgan Stallion Sweeps drawing to March 15th.

AHHS Board of Director Election Results

The results are in and the AHHS would like to congratulate the five successful candidates on their election to the AHHS Board! The five candidates elected are Chris Gantley, Maureen Quackenbush, Bryan Earehart, Amber Kildow, and Melissa Moore.

Hackney History


Tasty Season


Latest Issue 2 10 25


Two Of The Best


Cool Finish To The Season


Super Champion


Update on ASHBA Website

Earlier today, we noticed that the server that supports the ASHBA database was experiencing a lot of activity. After a brief investigation, we discovered that certain parts of the system were being hit almost constantly and slowing down the server. This was leading to performance issues across the board. We pulled server logs and saw more than 77,000 requests for show results for this morning alone.

Over $60,000 Raised At New York Morgan Stallion Service Auction

It was a new year and a new committee for the New York Morgan Stallion Service Auction. With committee members emeriti Ivan Beattie and Lynn Peeples, Chairperson Jennifer Peek focused on the young trainers in the New York area, tapping Anna Kufs, Chris Bernard, Keith Friday, Lindsay Perry Atkinson, Rebecca Arotsky and Will Vidler, and Tuffy Owens to fill out the revamped team.

ASHBA Youth Conference


Morgan High Point Report Winner

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