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The New England Regional Morgan Horse Show and Association along with the United Breeders Committee announces a date change for the upcoming Morgan Stallion Sweeps drawing to March 15th. |
2/12/2025 |
The results are in and the AHHS would like to congratulate the five successful candidates on their election to the AHHS Board! The five candidates elected are Chris Gantley, Maureen Quackenbush, Bryan Earehart, Amber Kildow, and Melissa Moore. |
2/12/2025 |
2/7/2025 |
Earlier today, we noticed that the server that supports the ASHBA database was experiencing a lot of activity. After a brief investigation, we discovered that certain parts of the system were being hit almost constantly and slowing down the server. This was leading to performance issues across the board. We pulled server logs and saw more than 77,000 requests for show results for this morning alone. |
2/5/2025 |
It was a new year and a new committee for the New York Morgan Stallion Service Auction. With committee members emeriti Ivan Beattie and Lynn Peeples, Chairperson Jennifer Peek focused on the young trainers in the New York area, tapping Anna Kufs, Chris Bernard, Keith Friday, Lindsay Perry Atkinson, Rebecca Arotsky and Will Vidler, and Tuffy Owens to fill out the revamped team. |
2/4/2025 |
The Annual Membership Meeting of the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association, Inc. will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 2 pm EST at the Lexington Marriott City Center, 121 West Vine Street, in Lexington, KY. |
1/30/2025 |
The Michigan Morgan Horse Breeders Futurity (MMHBF) will host its annual stallion service auction on Saturday, March 1, with a full day of activities on Friday, February 28. The events will be held in the Middlebury, Indiana area with the Hampton Inn serving as the host hotel. |
1/28/2025 |
The Kentucky State Fair Board, the proud organizer and host of the World's Championship Horse Show, reaffirmed its commitment to the Saddlebred industry through several important actions. |
1/27/2025 |
The ASHBA Board of Directors will be providing several updates to our members in advance of our annual meeting on Thursday, Feb.13. Today, we are focusing on two topics... |
1/27/2025 |
1/24/2025 |
On January 23, 2025, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) will temporarily postpone its final rule to amend the Horse Protection Act (HPA) regulations for 60 days from February 1, 2025 to April 2, 2025. |
1/24/2025 |
The AHHS Limited Breeders Sweepstakes Committee is excited to announce the 2025 Limited Breeders Sweepstakes Grand Event Weekend schedule. The weekend is scheduled for Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15 in Lexington, KY. See the detailed schedule below. Ticket prices and reservation forms will be released soon! |
1/23/2025 |
1/21/2025 |
1/20/2025 |
In October 2024 we provided you with information regarding the new amendments to the Horse Protection Act (HPA or Act). This is a follow-up to that communication... |
1/17/2025 |